Bob Cole and his wife Shirley moved to Morningside at The Meadows six and a half years ago after living in a condo in northwest San Antonio for 22 years. Bob’s introduction to The Meadows happened by chance. While Shirley was attending an Oasis class nearby, he decided to explore The Atrium building. There, he met the Marketing Director at the time, Randy, who invited him to take a tour of the community. Bob was immediately drawn to the friendly residents and welcoming atmosphere, and he knew he wanted to become a part of The Meadows community. However, Shirley was hesitant to leave their spacious 2,200-square-foot condo. Undeterred, Bob made the move first, telling Shirley she was welcome to join him whenever she was ready. A few months later, just three days before Thanksgiving in 2019, Shirley joined him at The Cottages.
Bob and Shirley lived at The Cottages until their demolition in 2023 to make way for the new Green Houses development. They briefly relocated to The Chandler before moving into a larger space at The Atrium at The Meadows. Today, Bob is an active member of The Meadows community, proudly calling himself the “Cornhole King” and enjoying regular workouts at the gym.
Born on February 18, 1941, Bob grew up in Boston with two brothers and a sister. His father was a construction engineer, and his mother was a teacher. He attended Immaculate Conception High School in Revere, Massachusetts, where he excelled in athletics, playing both football and basketball. As captain of the basketball team, he earned a scholarship to the University of Massachusetts. However, at his devout Catholic mother’s urging, he instead attended Providence College in Rhode Island, where he studied business management. At his father’s encouragement, Bob also joined the ROTC, as his father believed military service would instill leadership skills. Upon graduating in 1962, Bob was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Army and received orders to serve in Korea for a year.
In 1964, Bob married his high school sweetheart, Eleanor, whom he had met at a high school dance. After returning from Korea, Bob was preparing to leave the military when Eleanor became pregnant with their first child, Janice. To provide for his growing family, he extended his military service for another year. When Eleanor became pregnant with their second daughter, Tracy, Bob’s superior officer informed him that he would need to commit to a two-year commission. This time, he was deployed to Vietnam, where he initially expected to serve as a defense officer but instead found himself in active combat. Enduring rocket attacks and life-threatening situations, Bob often reassured his mother, who frequently called to say she was praying for his safety, by telling her, “Keep praying!”
Bob survived Vietnam and returned home after five years of service. His father reminded him that if he served for 15 more years, he could retire with full benefits. Taking his father’s advice to heart, Bob remained in the Army, ultimately serving for 21 and a half years and retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Each time he receives his military pension, he reflects with gratitude, saying, “Thank you, Dad!”
As a military family, Bob, Eleanor, and their daughters moved frequently, with assignments taking them to Niagara Falls, New York; Colorado Springs, Colorado; El Paso, Texas; and Fort Bliss, Texas. While stationed in Colorado, Bob earned a Master’s degree in Business Management from the University of Northern Colorado. This was a proud achievement, although his mother couldn’t help remark, “That’s not a Catholic school!”
Bob and his family were preparing for an assignment in Germany when Eleanor was diagnosed with cancer. Prioritizing her health, Bob requested to remain in Texas so she could receive medical treatment. The military granted his request, and they settled in San Antonio, where she passed away at the age of 37. Bob remembers Eleanor as the best wife and mother, and raising their two young daughters alone was both a challenge and a privilege. He instilled in them strong leadership values, and they excelled in school as a tribute to their mother’s memory. The military community also played a vital role in supporting his family during this difficult time.
Janice went on to attend the University of Texas at Austin and is now a General Store Manager at the Gap in La Cantera, with a daughter of her own. Tracy started working at H-E-B during high school and has been with the company for 32 years, currently serving as Head of Marketing in Austin.
After his daughters were grown, Bob met Shirley, who had also been widowed. The two quickly formed a deep bond, and Shirley became a loving stepmother to his daughters. When they met, Bob lived in a bachelor pad complete with three jukeboxes and neon beer lights, while Shirley maintained a tidy home. She invited him to move in with her, on the condition that he downsize and part with his jukeboxes! As they aged, they downsized again, eventually moving to the Mockingbird Pond Condos before making the transition to The Meadows.
Today, Bob and Shirley are thriving at The Meadows. Bob enjoys his active lifestyle, frequenting the gym and participating in cornhole tournaments, while Shirley prefers attending Happy Hour and relaxing with her favorite television shows. Bob is also a fan of the alternate menu at the Meadowlark, particularly the salmon.
Bob’s journey, from Boston to Vietnam to San Antonio, reflects a life of resilience, leadership, and deep devotion to family. Now, at 84, he is embracing his retirement with enthusiasm, surrounded by a vibrant community of friends at The Meadows.