Dear Residents, Family Members, and Friends of Morningside Ministries,
We want to share with you an update to the communication we put out on March 14, 2020 on how Morningside Ministries is handling concerns about the respiratory illness known as Coronavirus. Morningside Ministries is keeping track of the situation through proven and trustworthy sources: San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Texas Health and Human Services Commission, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We also benefit greatly from the guidance of our Medical Directors and other physicians who provide oversight and guidance to our community.
Below are the processes and guidelines for Assisted Living buildings effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020:
- As we have continued to monitor best practices, guidance from our local and state health officials as well as information from the CDC, Morningside is restricting visitation of all visitors and non-essential heath care personnel, except for end of life situations.
- Therefore, effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020, Morningside’s assisted living buildings will have no visiting hours. We will address end of life situations on a case by case basis and remain in touch with the respective responsible parties.
- Should an end of life situation occur, one responsible party will be permitted access into the building by Morningside management. The responsible party will have to abide by and pass a few measures before being permitted access. The individual will have to follow good hand hygiene, limit surfaces touched, and use personal protective equipment according to the current facility policy while in the resident’s room. Individuals with fevers, other symptoms of COVID-19, or are unable to demonstrate proper use of infection control techniques will be restricted from entry.
- All staff and essential health care personnel will be required to receive a temperature check at the time of entry, with no exceptions. If one does not allow their temperature to be checked, they will not be permitted to enter.
Below are the processes and guidelines for Skilled Nursing buildings effective Saturday, March 14, 2020:
- As of late last night, Friday, March 13, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a regulatory notice that is mandatory for all skilled nursing buildings in the U.S. that restricts visitation of all visitors and non-essential health care personnel, except for end of life situations.
- Therefore, effective immediately, Morningside’s skilled nursing buildings will have no visiting hours. We will address end of life situations on a case by case basis and remain in touch with the respective responsible parties.
- Should an end of life situation occur, one responsible party will be permitted access into the building by Morningside management. The responsible party will have to abide by and pass a few measures before being permitted access. The individual will have to follow good hand hygiene, limit surfaces touched, and use personal protective equipment according to the current facility policy while in the resident’s room. Individuals with fevers, other symptoms of COVID-19, or are unable to demonstrate proper use of infection control techniques will be restricted from entry.
- All staff and essential health care personnel will be required to receive a temperature check at the time of entry, with no exceptions. If one does not allow their temperature to be checked, they will not be permitted to enter.
Below are the processes and guidelines for Independent Living buildings effective Monday, March 16, 2020:
- Visiting hours to all our Independent Living buildings are now: Monday thru Friday during normal business hours, with no visits permitted on the weekends.
- Visitors are limited to essential care providers and one responsible party per resident. To better serve our residents and staff, this will include no children accompanying the one responsible party. The responsible party must be listed on file at the front desk of the respective building that the resident lives in.
- All staff, residents and visitors will be required to receive a temperature check at the time of entry, with no exceptions. If one does not allow their temperature to be checked, they will not be permitted to enter. This is also in full effect for Oasis and Jefferson Outreach staff and visitors.
- All buildings will be limited in access to the main entrance of the respective building.
- There will be no Morningside sponsored outings, events or transportation, with the exception of doctors’ visits or appointments.
- All staff and visitors will be required to notify Morningside of any international or state travel. Restrictions will be in place if one has traveled to a level 3 State designation by the CDC, to international locations or have traveled on a cruise; meaning entry will not be permitted into the building unless the individual has abided by the two week mandatory quarantine as guided by the CDC.
Please note, these processes and guidelines are subject to change at any time and could become stricter as more information develops.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your respective campus’ Executive Director or Administrator.
We all have the same common goal: to enhance the dignity and quality of life for those we serve and share life with.
Below are resources that may be helpful:
Patrick Crump
President and CEO,
Morningside Ministries